Monday, July 17, 2006


A spec of dust
Is the world to him
He lives his life
As a God's dream
Insignificant and unreal
Strives to control
Nothing he does
Will make any difference

Friday, July 14, 2006


Lonely star
Reflecting on clear water
A continous sound of silence
Sad and monotonous
No movement or activity
Peaceful and still
Mysteriously shining
Hides within itself
Answers of life
Our existence and death

Some one calls me

Some one calls me
In between the air
A transparent white light
Luminous and omnipresent

Someone calls me
On the outside of my vision
External to all
Inside my eye

Someone calls me
To my deeper self
To an empty sound
Silent and void

Someone calls me
To a world
Inside and also parallel
To existence

Someone calls me
To the world of vibrations
Full of wisdon
And harmony and peace

Light inside my head

The light inside my head
Is silent
It wants to know itself
Through darkness
Experience happiness
Through sadness
Love and harmony
Through hatred and anger
Through death and experience

Celebrating freedom

Celebrating their freedom
As high as they can fly
Looking for salvation
They all want to die
But death wont serve their purpose
Freedom exists
As a concept in the mind
They can feel the height
They dont give up

The search

The silence in the night
Asks us question of belief
How did it all begin
The spinning in the search for direction
The mask for identity-a search for separation
Habit- a search for defining our conscious
Madness- a search for freedom
Sadness- a search for self


Eternal sunshine
A soul saved
No judgement passed
Yet the guilt
Nothing true
Yet this existence
The logic long forgotten
Is self evident


Reflecting without the substance behind it
Mirrors our lives
Caught in the web of illusion
From within and without
The forbidden truth
Screams bloody murder
Stares us in the eye
With no response
No one knows
The obvious

Cannot imagine

I cannot imagine
The day one of my life
How I would have comprehended
Finding myself living
No things could be taken for granted
No habit set
A free mind
And true understanding of things
I could have seen through
To the very core of my presense
Without knowledge
Innocent and simple


Broken hope, confused love
Dig a hole on the inside of my heart
This emptiness- ample room for tears
Unexpressed feelings, missed opportunities
Hunger for love, returned unsatisfies
And why? No answers
I wonder how her eyes look like now
Decieving, lying to itself

Flying down

A bird is flying down the sky
Has lost its sense of perception
Afraid of height
Lost in its vastness
Could not see the horizon
Nor comprehend beyond the stars
Now the colorful wings
Flutter away in mockery
Left his friends of the sky
In search of food and water
On the barren land and dry sea
It has to wait
For a light rain would suffice
To bring back life again

Full circle

In the middle of everything
The direction is reversed
Cause there is no other way
Than the source itself
Without a turn
Or deviation from the linear path
One ends up
Where he began
When the round path is covered
A full circle complete
The emptiness of the purpose
Is beautifully symbolised

Divine Mercy

Intense pain is divin mercy extended
It spares us from the punishment of time
Which leads us to a dilemma
Of what to expect from fate
Mind is split between
Happiness and growth
As one helps you through the journey
While the other ends it

Human Love

Human love
Is recognition of the soul
Mutual living
Dependent on each other
Heart break?
Source of energy lost
There is a price to pay
For living off one another
Love turns into jealousy
Habit turns into incompleteness
The seperateness between the two
Is joined by only pain


The sum total of all its perspectives
Defined by its very opposites
But in the battle between relative and absolute
It looses its identity
And sinks deep into a wholeness
And then that Wholeness
Becomes the truth


All that was real once
Is now just dream like
Is this moment just a
Sum total of my memory?
So I question this moment
As and when it is passing
Because when it has passed
It will be no more real
But add to my mind
As another memory

Silent answers

A smell of incomprehensibility
Subtle understanding of things are not always complete
This unending space exist in unlimited time
Brings a hint of loneliness
If we look at words like "infinite" and "forever"
No logic can contain its weight
We have to break free the reasonable minds
An dig deeper
To a place of stillness
And seek a silent answer

Proof of my life

A bottomless pit
No dirction, no gravity
Continous and endless
Time has lost its meaning
No sound can be heard
Only the smell of darkness
It does exist
As a proof of my life

Understanding eternity

Light descends on darkness
And everything dissolves in one whole truth
Everything becomes complete
While the word complete itself looses its significance

Reality becomes a dream while dream a possible reality
Real and Unreal are no more opposites
And that is, transforms into one big illusion
There is no existence that remains but in our consciousness

Space becomes a source
From where it is all percieved
A reflection in our minds
But reflections knows no dimention

Time fragments our consciousness
By a continous thin line
Each passing moment
Interchanging dream and reality unsuccessfully

All this leads to
A deeper questioning of existence
A quest
Of understanding eternity